
Before getting started, ensure that Greenstalk is installed and beanstalkd is running.


Begin by importing the library:

>>> import greenstalk

Create a Client, which immediately connects to beanstalkd on the host and port specified:

>>> queue = greenstalk.Client(host='', port=11300)

Inserting Jobs

Jobs are inserted using put. The job body is the only required argument:

>>> queue.put('hello')

Jobs are inserted into the currently used tube, which defaults to default. The currently used tube can be changed via use. It can also be set with the use argument when creating a Client.

Consuming Jobs

Jobs are consumed using reserve. It blocks until a job is reserved (unless the timeout argument is used):

>>> job = queue.reserve()
>>> job.id
>>> job.body

Jobs will only be reserved from tubes on the watch list, which initially contains a single tube, default. You can add tubes to the watch list with watch and remove them with ignore. For convenience, it can be set with the watch argument when creating a Client.

beanstalkd guarantees that jobs are only reserved by a single consumer simultaneously. Let’s go ahead and tell the server that we’ve successfully completed the job using delete:

>>> queue.delete(job)

Here’s what you can do with a reserved job to change its state:


Normal use case




Job is permanently deleted


Expected failure

Job is released back into the queue to be retried


Unknown failure

Job is put in a special FIFO list for later inspection

Body Serialization

From beanstalkd’s point of view, the body of a job is just an opaque sequence of bytes. It’s up to the clients to agree on a serialization format to represent the data required to complete the job.

In the context of a web application where a user just signed up and we need to send an email with a registration code, the producer may look something like this:

body = json.dumps({
    'email': user.email,
    'name': user.name,
    'code': code,

The consumer would then do the inverse:

job = queue.reserve()
data = json.loads(job.body)
send_registration_email(data['email'], data['name'], data['code'])

Body Encoding

When creating a Client, you can use the encoding argument to control how job bodies are encoded and decoded. It defaults to UTF-8.

You can set the encoding to None if you’re working with binary data. In that case, you’re expected to pass in bytes (rather than str) bodies, and bytes bodies will be returned.

Job Priorities

Every job has a priority which is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. 0 is the most urgent priority. The put, release and bury methods all take a priority argument that defaults to 2**16.

Delaying a Job

Sometimes you’ll want to schedule work to be executed sometime in the future. Both the put and release methods have a delay argument.

Time to Run

Every job has an associated time to run (TTR) value specified by the ttr argument to the put method. It defaults to 60 seconds.

As soon as a job is reserved, beanstalkd starts a timer. If the client doesn’t send a delete, release, or bury command within the TTR, the job will time out and be released back into the ready queue.

If more time is required to complete a job, the touch method can be used to refresh the TTR.

Job Lifecycle

Here’s a great flowchart from the beanstalkd protocol documentation:

 put with delay               release with delay
----------------> [DELAYED] <------------.
                      |                   |
                      | (time passes)     |
                      |                   |
 put                  v     reserve       |       delete
-----------------> [READY] ---------> [RESERVED] --------> *poof*
                     ^  ^                |  |
                     |   \  release      |  |
                     |    `-------------'   |
                     |                      |
                     | kick                 |
                     |                      |
                     |       bury           |
                  [BURIED] <---------------'
                     |  delete
                      `--------> *poof*